The Sound Way is an amazing online, direct instruction program that provides all students with a clear and tangible understanding of the mechanics of the English language. In just 10 weeks you will we see some student's reading, writing and spelling standards improve by four to five grade levels.
*Teachers will observe a dramatic transformation in the writing standards of their students by the end of the first week!
Through a sequentially developed set of Explicit Instruction, phonic based video teaching lessons, the Sound Way program's video teacher explains and leads whole classes (small or large) through a step-by-step, face-to-face process to learn and master the essential phonetic skills, along with the necessary spelling rule knowledge that allows them to successfully spell, write, read and pronounce English words.
The multi-sensory Sound Way programs begin by first teaching and programming the brain with the 45 sounds (phonemes) that comprise English words and the 75 ways there are of representing these sounds on paper (phonograms). The teaching, drilling and instilling of this esssential phonetic knowledge starts in the very first video-lesson and continues throughout the program. Integrated within this teaching is a thorough explanation and application of the rules of English spelling. This demystifies the reading and writing process and makes it truly understable to the students.
The Program provides schools with the wonderful benefit of having two teachers operating within their classrooms at the same time. As the video-teacher systematically develops and presents the vital phonetic knowledge and understandings on the screen, the students are interactively working along with him recording their work in carefully prepared and provided workbooks; allowing the classroom teacher the freedom to move around the classroom and actively oversight and supervise their students as they work. The results teachers obtain through this cooperative approach to English literacy teaching can only be described as "stunningly amazing". What used to take years, can now be accomplished in a few short weeks!
Purchase Now!Swan View Senior High School has now engaged every student from Years 8 through 11 in the program. We have seen outstanding results with some students increasing their oral reading age beyond 5 years. We have also seen an improvement in whole cohort systemic test performance.
Damian Shuttleworth
Swan View Senior High School
Senior Program Short Course (Not including Cursive Writing)
Senior Program Long Course (Including Cursive Writing)
Junior Program (All Children 5 to 10 years of age)
Teacher Resources
The once off School Site License & Launch Pack is $3,400;
then pay only $25 per student thereafter.
Purchase Now